Kindergarten Immunization Requirements

It is time to plan for your preschool student’s immunizations prior to kindergarten entry. We

encourage you to have these immunizations completed prior to school starting in August.

To attend kindergarten, a student must have received the following immunizations:

5 DTap/DT (4 doses if the 4th dose given on/after the 4th birthday)

4 Polio (3 doses if the 3rd dose was given on/after the 4th birthday)


3 Hepatitis B

2 Hepatitis A

2 Varicella

For children whose parents claim an immunization exemption for medical, religious, or personal

reasons, an immunization exemption form must be competed online and a certificate provided to

the school. Please go to to

complete the online immunization Education module. Please present of copy of the certificate of

completion to the district office in person or by mail, or email a copy to .

If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 435 714-2578. Thank you!